2009-10-02 22:49:40 UTC
well my dance studios doing the nutcracker this year and i wanted to know which parts to pick becasue my dance teacher gave me a list of parts i was elligible for and would make it but i need help to pick one from each act-ish thing
Doll Scene:
ballerina doll
scottish doll
rag doll
wind up doll
christmas doll
for main parts:
my best friend is the rose queen so i am one of her roses
butt...i can either be a rose or a snowflake..and i dont know which one to do! and another one of my friends is snow queen!
she said she already put me as sugar plum which takes a whilee and she has me doing either
spanish or arabian or russian which one should i do?
if you could help thanks(:
**ive been on pointe for 3 years if that helpss...?