Short explanation:
Step 1A - count 1-8 slow bow, count 9-16 fast bows
Step 1B - count 17-24: sidestep with arms in a flexing muscle motion each partner sidestepping opposite ways. (repeat after every step)
Step 2 - right hand on partner's head , partner goes down with hand. (partner then does same to other). Repeat with partner's hand on your head.
Repeat Step 1B
Step 3 - count 1-2 on the 2count-jump with left foot forwards. (partner facing you also jumps with you on one count, repeat. Then count 1-2 and on count 1 repeat and count two repeat. (thats two faster jumps on each. Count 1 jump , count two jump)
Repeat Step 1B
Step 4 - jump with your right elbow towards your partners elbow.
Repeat Step 1B
Step 5 - on the beat 3- stick hands in ears at eachother (like antlers),
on beat 3 make a funny face at eachother. faster each time (on teh last beat) on each repeat the opposite partner mirrors previous partner's faces
Repeat Step 1B
Step 6 - judo-like move with hand aiming for partner's opposite hip on teh four count.. then repeat on the two count and then on the 1 count
Repeat Step 1B
Step 7 - partner pretends to slap , opposite partner pretends to be slapped and makes slapping noise by clapping hands.
Repeat Step 1B
Step 8 - after teh dance the partners look at eachother puzzled by what happened and then shake hands.