Dance terminology?
2006-08-10 15:35:37 UTC
how do you spell the dance term... (sorry for dancers) sickapade? and What does it mean?
Five answers:
2006-08-10 15:44:40 UTC
I think you mean this: But I gave them all to you........


Pronunciation: (sing"ku-pā'shun, sin"-), [key]


1. Music.a shifting of the normal accent, usually by stressing the normally unaccented beats.

2. something, as a rhythm or a passage of music, that is syncopated.

3. Also called counterpoint, counterpoint rhythm. Pros.the use of rhetorical stress at variance with the metrical stress of a line of verse, as the stress on and and of in Come praise Colonus' horses and come praise/The wine-dark of the wood's intricacies.

4. Gram.syncope.

Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.


dancers dictionary

Dance terms

A B C D E F G H I J K L M M to Z

Abstract dance - A plot less work composed of pure dance movements, although the composition may suggest a mood or subject.

Adagio - Any dance to slow music; also, part of the classical pas de deux in ballet.

In classical ballet the pas de deux (duet) consists of four sections: an opening adagio in which the man supports the woman in turns and balances, followed by a solo variation for each of them, and concluded by a fast coda in which they again dance together.

air, en l' - (ballet) a step done off the ground -- for instance, rond de jambe en l'air.

alegrias - Spanish Gypsy dance. It suggests the movements of the bullfight and is usually danced by a woman alone.

allegro - A dance with a fast or moderate tempo. That part of a ballet class comprised of fast turning or jumping, especially beaten steps; usually follows the adagio.

allemande - an 18th century dance.

allonge - (ballet) an elongated line; in particular, the horizontal line of an arabesque with one arm stretched front and the other back.

amague - a fake

arabesque - a position in which the dancer stands on one leg, straight or bent, with the other extended to the back at 90 degrees.

Argentinean tango - originated in the West Indies where it was danced only by the lowest classes.

Arkansas traveler - an old time barn dance depicting a salesman of tin ware who came from Arkansas.

arrastre - a drag.

assemble - a jump from one to both feet, usually landing in fifth position.

attitude - a pose in which one leg is raised in back or in front with knee bent, usually with one arm raised.

Baion - A type of slow Samba rhythm from Brazil that became popular in North America during the 50's.

balance - A step that rocks from one foot to the other, usually in 3/4 time.

balance - (ballroom) ability of the dancer to maintain an upright and controlled position of the body whether in movement or still.

Balboa - a form of Swing popularized during the 50's in California.

ballerina - female dancer. Prima ballerina, or first dancer, is usually used for one who dances leading roles.

ballet - classical theatrical dancing based on the danse d'ecole, the rules and vocabulary that were codified around 1700 in France.

ballet blanc - A ballet in which the women wear white tutus, such as the second and fourth acts of Swan Lake.

ballet d'action - a ballet with a plot, usually tragic.

ballet de cour, le (court ballet) - spectacles for entertainment, usually with allegorical or mythological themes, performed by the aristocracy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, combining music, recitatives, and mime.

ballo - standard Italian dances and their music of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

ballon - the ability of a dancer to remain suspended in air during a jump; elasticity in jumping.

ballroom dances - social dances usually performed by couples, including the fox-trot, waltz, tango, rumba, swing, mambo, samba, and cha cha.

bambuca - the national dance of Colombia, South America.

barrida - a sweep.

barn dances - are the product of our colonial ancestors who recreated them from England's Country Dances. They were performed in halls and barns as get-togethers among America's first social gatherings.

barre - the wooden bar that runs around the wall of the ballet studio at waist height, and which the dancer holds onto during the first part of class -- usually referred to as the barre. It helps the dancer find or adjust his/her balance.

bas, en - low, as in placement of arms.

basic movement - a characteristic figure that remains constant.

basse danse - a solemn court dance usually in duple time, popular in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

battement - a beating movement of the legs.

beguine - type of Rumba, probably originated in Martinique or Cuba.

black bottom - black couple dance from around 1925. Probably has African American origins.

bolero - a dance that originated in Spain. Very slow Rumba rhythm, usually with Spanish vocals.

boogie woogie - African American jazz dance. The knees are held close together and the hips sway from side-to-side as the dancer travels forward. Boogie Woogie was originally a style of music, but is today also a dance that is becoming very popular in Europe. It has its roots in the Rock 'n' roll style that was danced in the fifties, like the style found in old movies with Bill Haley.

Boston Jive - form of Swing similar to Lindy but with kicks.

Bossa Nova - when Brazilian musicians heard the "cool jazz" of the U.S. in the late 1950s and adapted the it to a gentler samba rhythm the result was the music called Bossa Nova. The 1964 hit single "Girl From Ipanema") spread the Bossa Nova throughout the world.

bourree, pas de - a series of small, fast steps executed with the feet very close together.

brise - a jump off one foot that is "broken" by a beating of the legs in the air.

bulerias - a Spanish Gypsy dance.

bunny hop - dance that resembles the Conga line.

Buck - Buck dancing emphasizes percussive rhythms with a greater use of the heel and toe. The style uses a greater bent leg position that distinguishes it from "shuffle" clogging.

cabriole - In ballet, a leap in which the lower leg beats against the upper one at an angle, before the dancer lands again on the lower leg.

cachucha - A Spanish dance in 3/4 or 3/8 time with castanets.

cakewalk - An African-American dance in which couples strut and compete with high kicks and fast steps.

cake walk - The Cake Walk is said to have originated in Florida about 1880. The style of walking was practiced by the blacks as an art. The dignity of the promenade was rewarded by a prize, usually a cake. The winner cut the cake and shared it with the others.

calesitas - merry-go-rounds

calypso - The music of the typical ballads in England sung by the natives of Trinidad. There was no real dance but because of the extreme popularity of the music, in 1956, possibly due to the singer Harry Bellafonte, many steps were created. Most of them resemble the Cuban Bolero or the Martinique Beguine or even Swing.

cambre - In ballet, a bend from the waist to the side or to the back.

can can - Originating around 1830 as a social dance, by 1844 it had become a raucous dance performed in French music halls. Women kicked their black silk stockinged legs high into the air - a most daring feat for the time. The Can Can may have been an off-shoot of the Polka or even the Quadrille, or both.

carioca - A native of Rio de Janeiro. Also the abbreviation of the Brazilian dance, the Samba Carioca. At the Carioca Carnival, from the moment the music starts until it dies off, people get together in cordoes (chains or cues). Holding hands in this fashion they sing and sway their bodies to the Samba-Carioca and the Marchas.

Carolina Shag - A very popular Swing style from Virginia down through the Carolinas into areas of Georgia. Most often danced to "Beach Music" performed by such groups as the Tams, The Embers, The Drifters and a wide range of "Motown" recording artists. The dance showcases the man and resembles West Coast Swing with the same slot movement, shuffles, coaster steps and pronounced lean resulting in role of the partner movement. The music tempo is slow to medium and can be danced comfortably by all ages.

Castle Walk - The Castle Walk was first demonstrated at the Cafe de Paris in France by Irene & Vernon Castle in 1913 and introduced to New York society by then in 1914. The dance was characterized by a series of walking steps on the toes, executed with an elegant type of swagger - frequently punctuated with a light hop in attitude at an appropriate point in the musical phase.

ceili - is a gathering for music and dance.

Ceili Dances - Ceili dances were derived from group set dances and French quadrilles, but were set to Irish music. They appear to have evolved with the help of the Irish dance masters.

Cha Cha - From the less inhibited night clubs and dance halls the Mambo underwent subtle changes. It was triple mambo and this then became a dance in itself.

character dancing - Dancing derived from folk or national dances.

chasse - A sliding step in which one foot "chases" and displaces the other.

chat, pas de - Catlike leap in which one foot follows the other into the air, knees bent; the landing is in the fifth position.

Chipanecas - A Mexican Folk dance from the province of Chiapas. Its popularity is due to the charming air plus the audience participation during the time the dancers request the audience to clap hands with them. It is in 3/4 time and based on Spanish patterns.

Charleston - Originated in the early 20's in illegal drinking places during the time of prohibition. The combination of a particular type of jazz music and the highly polished, slippery floors of the Speakeasies gave rise to an in and out flicking of the feet which essentially characterized the dance. It was theatricized and embellished with typical vaudeville moves in a Ziegfield Follies production in 1921. It has since been featured in many films and theater productions, such as the Broadway musical "The Boy Friend."

ciseaux - A jump in which the legs open in second position in the air, resembling a scissors.

clogging - A freestyle dance style originating in the Blue Ridge Mountains characterized by double time stomping and tap steps resembling a tap dance with the upper body held straight and upright. The constant shuffling of the "floor" foot is one of the major characteristics that distinguishes clogging from tap dancing.

comparsa - Afro-Cuban dance play.

coda - In ballet, the third and final part of the classical pas de deux.

Conga - An African-Cuban dance characterized by the extreme violence of accents on the strong beats in 2/4 time. The Conga beat thus used has a rhythmic anticipation of the second beat in every other measure. The Conga was very popular in the late thirties. It was performed in a formation known as the Conga chain. The steps are simple, one, two, three, kick at which time the partners move away from each other.

Continental or International Tango - A refined, technical version of the Argentine Tango. It is probably the most demanding of all smooth dances to execute. It calls for perfect control, phrasing and musicianship. The subtle movements, changes of weight and the design of the steps are never stilted but follow the melodic phrasing and are created anew with each new piece.

contraction - A basic movement in the technique of Martha Graham, based on breath inhalation and exhalation.

contredanse - Popular social dance during the eighteenth century; done in rows or circles, it may have derived from English country dancing.

contre danse - A French square dance in double time, introduced into the court about 1600.

corphyee - A dancer who has moved out of the corps de ballet to dance minor solo roles.

corps de ballet - The members of a ballet company who do not perform solo.

corrida - a run

corridos - The musical ballads called the Corridos play a very important part in Latin American musical life. The words are often topical and relate to political events. It has been suggested that the word Corrido is derived from the word correr, to run, because the singer has to run for his life when caught in the process of reciting a subversive ditty. Corridos are particularly popular in Mexico.

Cotton-Eyed Joe - A Country & Western dance enjoyed throughout the United States and elsewhere for its enthusiastic music and energetic movements. Characteristic movements include kicks, stomps, shuffles, and turns in place or traveling around the room. The man and the lady generally begin in shadow position with the left foot and they use the same foot on the same beat of music throughout their patterns.

country dance - Traditional English dance in which dancers form two facing lines.

country dance - English Folk dances as opposed to the court dances of bygone times. During the Colonial days of America these Country dances became our present day square dance, jig reels, as well as our Virginia Reel, Arkansas Traveler and Paul Jones.

country western two step - The Two Step originated in the 1800's by people who arrived here from Europe. It was an offspring of the minuet. Two step is a Western dance whose popularity has spread all over the United States.

croisee - In ballet, a position with the body at an oblique angle and the working leg crossing the line of the body.

cruzar (cruze) to cross (the cross)

Cuban motion - a discreet but expressive hip movement achieved by bending and straightening the knees with carefully timed weight transfer.

cuddle position - (also known as Varsouvienne or Skating Position) - Woman is at man’s left or right side, both facing in the same direction; one arm of man is across woman’s back, and position of other arm depends on method of arriving in cuddle position.

Canyengue - is the essence of tango beginnings, which dates back to 1900. The word canyengue is of Afrikan origin,which means to "walk with cadence". Canyengue is a playful and sensual dance of an uncomparable experience. The Canyengue steps are short and accentuated following the strong beats of the music. Canyengue has a musical signature of 4 x 8 and throughout the years its music was modified to the present tango's musical signature of 4 x 2.

dance - a series of rhythmic and patterned bodily movements usually performed to music.

danseur noble - A male dancer who performs the "princely" roles of the classical ballet, such as the Prince in Swan Lake.

Danzon - A Cuban dance which starts slowly and gradually accelerates. This dance, which might be called a Rumba variation is in a 4/4 time. It is know as the aristocrat of all Cuban dances because of its dignified and stately appearance.

degage - Shifting weight from one foot to the other.

demi-caractere - A style of dancing that has elements of character dancing but remains within the classical technique.

developpe - An unfolding of the leg in the air.

dirty dancin' - A general style of very intimate closed position partner dancing popularized in the late 80's by actor/dancer Patrick Swayze in the movie "Dirty Dancin'". Danced to popular fast or slow music and characterized by sensuous and seductive movements by both the man and woman.

Dominican merengue - The dance of the Dominican Republic is 2/4 time with syncopation of the first beat interpreted by the dancers as a slight limp.

ecarte - A position with one leg extended at an oblique angle while the body is also at an oblique angle.

efface - A position of the body at an oblique angle and partly hidden.

elevation - The ability to jump high into the air and give the appearance of remaining suspended at the apex of the jump.

en travesti - A female dancer dressed as a man, or a male dressed as a woman.

English Tango - The style is the same as the other English competition dances, and the steps are similar Fox Trot steps with a few Latin flourishes.

enrosque - a twist

entrechat - A ballet movement in which the dancer repeatedly crosses his or her legs in the air.

epaulement - The position of the torso from the waist up.

escondido - An Argentine dance called Escondido (literally hidden for in it the female partner hides from the male) belongs to the Gato type rhythmically and choreographically.

etoile - Literally "star." The highest rank a dancer may hold in the Paris Opera.

fado - Originally a Portuguese song and dance absorbed by Latin America and especially by Brazil as a pattern for the Samba. The steps of the Fado are based on a hop, a skip and a kick in 2/4 time.

fandango - A lively Spanish dance in triple time performed with castanets or tambourines. The dance begins slowly and tenderly, the rhythm marked by the clack of castanets, snapping of fingers, and stomping of feet. The speed gradually increases to a whirl of exhilaration.

farandole - A dance Haute from Provence, France. A typical variation was a quick gallop step danced by a procession winding in and out in single file, headed by a musician who played a drum and fife at the time skipping along without losing a beat. 6/8 or 4/4 time.

faruca - The dance of Spain most suited to a man. It is a pure Gypsy dance in 2/4 time consisting of heel work, fast double turns and falls. It is considered one of the most exciting of all the Flamenco dances.

feis - a festival that includes figure (group) and solo step dancing, crafts, instrumental, vocal and Gaelic language competitions. The plural is feisianna. A competition with only dancing is called a feile.

ferme - A closed position of the feet.

five positions - The basic positions of the feet. First position: feet in a straight line, heels touching. Second position: feet in a straight line, heels apart. Third position: one foot in front of the other, parallel to it, with heel of front foot in hollow instep of back foot. Fourth position: one foot in front of the other, parallel, but apart. Fifth position: One foot in front of the other, parallel, with heel in front foot touching toe of back foot.

fish - A popular dance done to Fox Trot music in 4/4 time (New Orleans jazz type music) whereby the dancers rock their pelvis forward and back balancing on one foot and then the other in a slow gyrating manner. Originated in 1961.

flamenco - A Sevillian gypsy dance, possibly originating in India, also with Moorish and Arabian influences, originally accompanied by songs and clapping and later by the guitar, and characterized by its heelwork (taconeo).

Flatfoot - Flatfoot dancing is largely based on a low-to-the-floor style that emphasizes intricate rhythms and creative percussive dancing.

floorcraft - Refers to avoiding bumping into other couples as well as the ability to continue dancing without pause when boxed in.

fondu - A lowering of the body by bending the knee.

fouette - Literally "whipped." A turning step, usually done in a series, in which the working leg whips out to the side in and then into the knee as the dancer turns on the supporting leg, rising onto the point at each revolution.

fouette en tournant - A spectacular movement in which the dancer propels himself or herself around a supporting leg with rapid circular movements of the other leg while remaining in a fixed spot.

fox-trot - A social dance of American origin. A standard ballroom dance the world over and serves as a good foundation for social dances in 2/4 or 4/4 time.

freestyle - Ad lib dance movements with no fixed structure. Danced to a variety of music styles including Rock 'n Roll, and discotheque beats.

frug - The Frug was born from a dance called the Chicken which had a lateral body movement and was used as a change of pace during the Twist. So as the kids grew lazier they decided to do less work, and started moving only their hips while standing still. As the hips swing from side to side they started making up arm movements for the dance. From this came the Swim, the Monkey, the Dog, the Watusi, the Waddle or Wabble and the Jerk. Some of these dances are named with localities. What we call the Frug is often called the Surf, Big Bea and Thunderbird, with the Swim being born out of it. What we call the Watusi is also known as Wabble and Waddle. The Monkey, Dog, Bump and Jerk fall roughly into the same category.

Galop - Hungary seems to take credit as the birthplace of the Galop. It was an old time dance, often introduced at the Country dances or following a Volte and Contra Danse as a contrast to their slow and somewhat monotonous steps. In 2/4 time, it was a springy step with a glissade and a chasse.

Ganchos - hooks

Gato - Argentine dance performed by two couples. In rhythm it resembles a very fast Waltz in steady quarter notes. A very popular form is the Gato con Pelaciones - that is Gato with stories. The stories are the diversified content; amorous, philosophical or political.

Gavotte - This dance comes from France. During the 16th Century it was customary for the leading couple to kiss each other and everyone else in the room at the end of their special "Shine". It finally became a stage dance. Although it has a long and varied history it is still charming and has been used by modern composers for chamber music.

Giro - a turn

Glissade - A gliding step which usually connects two steps.

Grizzly Bear - In this dance the woman threw and wrapped herself around her partner in what at that time 1900-1910 must have been most shocking. A disappointingly simple ragtime dance followed its daring overture.

Guajira - This dance was originally an Andalusian dance derived from Sevillanos. This dance was played in 3/4 or 6/8 time. It was a Cuban Country dance as well, performed in Conga rhythm to the music marked Son Guajira.

Guaracha - This lively Cuban song and dance of Spanish origin is performed in 2/4 time and danced by the more expert and agile dancers only, as its speed is rather imposing.

Gumboot Dance - The slave laborers in the gold mines of South Africa developed their own language by slapping their gumboots and rattling their ankle chains. In time it has developed into a truly unique dance form.

Haitian Merengue - Haitian music stems directly from African rhythms. Divested of mysticisms, its traditions and beliefs from the folkloric basis from which the Haitian Merengue derived. It is simple and smooth in its slow version and can be colorful and exciting in its faster forms.

Haupango - The Mexican Haupango is ultimately traced to the Spanish Son, but its rhythm is definitely of the New World. The Haupango combines 2/4 time with 3/4 time and 6/8 time, creating cross rhythms of great complexity. It makes a most interesting lively dance.

haut, en - A position of the arms above the head.

Hesitation Waltz - This dance is reputed to have developed in Boston. Apparently, the dance masters who were responsible for the evening's program at society functions gained favor with their socialite clients by imposing as much restraint as possible on the dances and creating an obviously reserved interpretation. The Waltz, in particular, became a target of this type of constraint. The blatant rotation of the dance was effectively curbed by taking a step and hesitating for two beats before proceeding with a conventional Waltz figure or another hesitation.

Hoofer - A term used for a dancer of the 1920's, and later not just any dancer, but became specifically to refer to a tap dancer.

Hornpipe - The hornpipe began around 1760, evolving from English stage acts. It was originally danced exclusively by males in hard shoes, but now, both men and women compete. It is reported that the ladies of Cork were the first to brazenly perform the hornpipe in the male style. The hornpipe is in 4/4 time, reminiscent of a slow reel with accents on the first and third beat. A notable feature is the frequent use of a rocking motion with the ankles.

Hula - Originally a sacred dance of Hawaii supposedly created by the younger volcano Kala to please his sister Pele. In due time its varied interpretation also served to please the visiting sailors which did not please the missionaries who promptly banned it. Despite this blight, it has been revived and is now more popular than ever. It is in 4/4 meter, interprets stories by the use of arms, hands and facial expression. The basic step is a chasse' during which the hips undulate.

Hustle or Swing Hustle - A number of similar style disco dances which had its beginning in the mid-70's and enjoys some continuing popularity as a swing style today. The record "Do The Hustle" was followed by the movie "Saturday Night Fever." John Travolta's portrayal of partner dancing took America by storm. Discotheques with flashing lights, mirrors, loud throbbing music and high fashion were the in thing.

Ibo - The Ibo rhythm belongs to the faster Haitian Merengue group of dancers. It is colorful, native in style and can be classified as Caribbean dancing. A pronounced movement of hips and turning of the head is typical.

Irish Hey - Irish dance, a round or figure dance.

Irish Uillean Pipe - a complicated bellows-blown instrument that differs from the more often seen Scottish Highlands pipes. The sound has been described as being more appropriate for playing an Irish air in the parlor rather than the stirring sound of the Scottish bagpipe.

Jarabe - The Jarabes are typical Mexican Folk dances. Usually done by a couple, it depicts a flirtation and conquest. It is well known in America by its other name, "The Mexican Hat Dance." The Mexican Jarabe is a descendant of the Spanish Zapateado, and its rhythm resembles that of a Mazurka. It is in 3/4 time.

Jarana - Folk dance of Yucatan, Mexico. It is possibly closer to the melo-rhythmic foundation of the ancient Mexican songs than any other native air. The verses of the Jarana are often in the Mayan language. The word Jarana means merry chatter. It is exciting in its rhythm based on a combination of 6/8 and 3/4 time. As an exhibition ballroom dance it can be placed alongside La Raspa and La Bamba, its cousins.

Jete - A leap from one leg to the other in which one leg is thrown to the side, front, or back. Grand jete: a large leap forward.

Jig - A number of variations of the jig are performed including the single (or soft), double, treble, and slip jig. The music is 6/8 time.

Jitterbug - A lively social dance popular during the 1930's. It is a toned down version of a Lindy Hop.

Jive - International competitive Swing dance with elements of the Lindy Hop and Jitterbug. Characterized by up tempo single time music danced with triple steps done primarily on the toes with very lively movement.

Jota - Native folk dance Aragon, Spain. Performed usually by one or more couples and consisting of hoppy steps in 3/4 time.

Kabuki - A Japanese dance drama featuring stylized narrative choreographic movements.

Kankukus - Afro-Brazilian dances of the Mestiso Indians.

La Cueca - La Cueca is a Chilean dance written in 6/8 time with the accompaniment in 3/4 time. Originally it was danced with handkerchiefs only, but during recent years it has enjoyed popularity on the ballroom floor.

La Raspa - A Mexican dance from Vera Cruz, which reminds us of our own square dancing except that it has a peculiar hopping step of its own. It has enjoyed a well merited popularity for a number of years as a fun dance.

La Varsouvienne - Americanized version of traditional Varsouvienne which was originally from Warsaw. Has established but varying versions in different parts of the country. Patterns differ from, yet show close kinship to, Varsouvienne of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Popular among Western cowboys and South Western sections where it is known as the "Little Foot." Made popular as a ballroom dance by Arthur Murray in 1940. It is also known as the Varsovien.

Lambada - This latest dance crazy has its roots from the Northeast Coast of Brazil. The exciting look of this dance on European television took the Continent by storm in the late 80's. Its lighthearted Brazilian/Caribbean beat combines the flavor of the Samba with the sultry passion of the Rumba.

Lambeth Walk - The Lambeth Walk is a walking dance done in a jaunty, strutting fashion. It was originally an old English step performed in the Limehouse district of London and danced to the song "Doing the Lambeth Walk".

Lancers - The quadrille of the Lancers was a set dance or single dance invented by a dancing master in Paris about 1836. England took it up and it was fashionable for a number of years in polite society.

Landler - Originally came from Vienna over a hundred years ago. It had a lusty Waltz flavor but was not a closed ballroom dance but rather belonged to the Country dance group. It is said by some authorities that with the passage of time the Landler became the basis for our modern Waltz.

Lapiz - A pencil.

Leotard - A one-piece garment covering the entire torso, with or without sleeves, worn with tights for practice or in many contemporary ballets, as a stage costume. Originally designed by the French acrobat Jules Leotard (1830-1870) who also invented the flying trapeze.

Lindy Hop - One evening in 1926, following Lindbergh's flight to Paris, a local dance enthusiast named "Shorty George" Snowden was watching some of the dancing couples at the Savoy Ballroom in New York. A newspaper reporter asked him what dance they were doing, and it just so happened that there was a newspaper with an article about Lindbergh's flight sitting on the bench next to them. The title of the article read, "Lindy Hops The Atlantic," and George just sort of read that and said, "Lindy Hop" and the name stuck.

Line - The length and stretch of the body from head to toe.

Line of Dance - The counterclockwise course followed by dancers progressing around a room.

Llevadas - carrys.

Macumbo - An African Brazilian ritual and like dances belonging to it.

Mambo - The Mambo dance originated in Cuba where there were substantial settlements of Haitians. The fusion of Swing and Cuban music produced this fascinating rhythm and in turn created a new sensational dance. The Mambo was originally played as any Rumba with a riff ending. It may be described as a riff or a Rumba with a break or emphasis on 2 and 4 in 4/4 time.

Marcha - Latin American version of our One-Step.

Martinique Beguine - Popular ballroom dance of the island of St. Lucia and Martinique. It is characterized by the rocking back and forth of the hips while the girl throws her arms around her partner's neck. His arms loosely clasp her about the waist. The steps have been incorporated in both the Haitian Merengue and Calypso.

Maxixe - A Brazilian dance first introduced in Paris in 1912. It is in 2/4 time of rapid tempo with a slight syncopation. In this dance strict attention must be paid to the carriage of the head and the posturing of the arms.

Mazurka - A Polish national dance in triple time with an accent on the second beat, characterized by proud bearing, clicking of heels, and holubria, a special turning step. In the Mazurka the couples follow the leader in circular formation around the room. Sometimes the woman kneels down while her partner executes a chasse around her, and then this figure is reversed.

Mento - The most popular native dance of Jamaica which resembles a Rumba played in slow tempo.

Milonga - The Milonga is a Spanish dance first originated in Andalusia. As the fascinating music traveled the world it assumed various aspects. In Buenos Aires the Gauchos danced it in what is called a closed position, in the lower class cafes. Here their interpretation of it emerged into what today is our Tango. The Milonga enjoyed a popular resurgence some years ago through the Juan Carlos Copes group who performed it the world over.

Minuet - It was a carefree and lively dance until presented by the French court in 1650. There it developed into a slow, graceful and stately dance, elegant in its simplicity. It consists of a salute to the partner, a high step and a balance, and is characterized by symmetrical figures, courtly gestures, elaborate bows and curtsies.

Dance Definitions

See Dance Terms for A to M definitions.

Modern Dance - A form of dance as developed by Martha Graham, Haya Holm, Doris Humphyre, Charles Weidman and others. It expresses complex emotions and abstract ideas.

Modinha - Brazilian dance, which is the diminutive of Moda (Mode or Style) and is directly derived from the Portuguese songs and dances of that name. The early Modinhas were greatly influenced by Italian music. The present day Modinhas are sentimental in mood and similar to the Cuban Boleros.

Morris Dance - An English folk dance that appeared in the fifteenth century, in which dancers wore bells on their legs and characters included a fool, a boy on a hobby horse, and a man in blackface.

Ocho - a figure "eight".

Oireachtas (pronounced "o-rach-tas") - a type of super feis. In North America, they are organized by regions, having begun in 1976. Competition is by age category and gender, but there is no separation of skill levels. Dancers placing highly qualify for the World Championship in Ireland (Oireachtas na Cruinne). A North American championship competition began in 1969. Locations vary from year to year. Both the national and world championships are also called Oireachtas (plural is Oireachtasai).

One Step - A dance that consisted entirely of chasses without any change in rhythm. It was danced to the popular music of the period encompassing World War I.

Ouvert - In ballet, an open position of the feet.

Paradas - stops.

Par Terre - Steps performed on the floor. It is the opposite of en l'air.

Pas de Deux - A dance for two, usually a woman and a man. In its traditional form, it begins with an entree and adagio, followed by solo variations for each dancer, and a coda.

Patada - a kick.

Pavane - A grave, processional court dance popular in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Penche - In ballet, leaning forward.

Phrasing - The fitting of dance figures to the rhythm and/or melody of the music. Phrasing may be adjusted in certain dances by the use of lead-in steps to bring the dancers in on a different beat.

Pique - Stepping directly onto the point of a foot.

Pirouette - A complete turn of the body executed on one leg; the working leg is placed with the foot drawn up to the ankle or knee of the supporting leg.

Plie - A bending of the knees in any of the five positions. Demi plie: a half bending of the knees, with heels on the floor. Grand plie: a full bending of the knees.

Plie - A bending. The first exercises done in every class to loosen muscles, the foundation of the dancers’ technique.

Point - A position on the tip of the toes. Demi-point: a position on the balls of the feet.

Pointe - The tip of the toe. Women, and infrequently men, dance sur les pointes (on point) in blocked shoes. This is often referred to as "full point." "Half point" and "three quarter point" are used when the dancer stands with the toes spread flat on the floor and the rest of the foot raised from the metatarsal joint.

Poise - in smooth dancing, the stretch of the woman’s body upwards and outwards and leftwards into the man’s right arm to achieve balance and connection with his frame, as well as to project outwards to the audience.

Polka - A Bohemian folk dance in duple time with a hop on the fourth beat. It became a popular ballroom dance in the mid-nineteenth century. See also History of Polka.

Port de Bras - In ballet, the positions of the arms.

Port de Bras - Literally "carriage of the arms." Used in this sense, and also to denote exercise designed to develop the upper part of the body. There are positions of the arms just as there are positions of the feet -- the numbering of them varies according to the method of training.

Positions (ballet) - There are five basic positions for the feet in which all steps in classic ballet begin and end, with corresponding positions of the arms. It is assumed that in all these positions the legs are turned out from the pelvis. First position: heels touching, feet in a straight line; second position: feet apart in a straight line; third position: one foot in front of the other, the heel against the instep; fourth position: feet apart, one in front of the other, either opposite first, or opposite fifth; fifth position: one foot in front of the other, the heel against the joint of the big toe. (Ballroom dancers describe feet positions same way).

Premier Danseur - Principal male dancer.

Progressive Dance (ballroom) - A dance in which couples move along Line of Dance around the dance floor.

Promenade - In ballet, a slow turn of the body on the whole foot.

Quadrille - A social dance popular in the nineteenth century. It was a square dance in five sections, each in a different time.

Quadrille - The Quadrille is a "Set" dance. It consists of a series of dance figures, the most frequently used is called the "Flirtation" figure, in which the man dances with each woman in turn.

Quickstep - English version of the Fast Fox Trot, which has quick hopping steps set in with the smoother gliding figures. It is very popular in Europe as a competition dance. It ranks among the "Big Five," the other four are the Slow Fox Trot, the Waltz, the Tango and the Viennese Waltz. See Quickstep syllabus.

Rise and Fall (ballroom) - a controlled raising and lowering of the body while dancing. The waltz is characterized by rise and fall.

Reel - Popular in Britain, Ireland, and Scotland, it is a lively dance for two or more couples; also, the second part of the Virginia reel. The Highland fling is a variant.

Reel - The reel originated around 1750 in Scotland and the Irish dance masters brought it to full development. The music is 4/4 time and it is danced at a relatively fast tempo (ONE-two-three-four). Both men and women dance the reel. For women, it is a light, rapid soft shoe dance that allows for plenty of leaping and demands an energetic performance from the dancer. Men often dance the reel in hard shoes.

Releve - In ballet, a rising with a spring movement to point or demi-point.

Reverence - A ballet bow or curtsy in which one foot is pointed in front and the body leans forward.

Rhythm - The regular occurrence of accented beats that shape the character of music or dance.

Rinnce Fada or Fading - Irish dance where two lines with partners faced each other

Rock 'n' Roll - popular form of the Swing or Lindy Hop. Began as a dance done mostly by teenagers who were fans of artists like Elvis Presley and the Beatles.

Round Dances - Country dances in America became Barn dances, Square dances, and Round dances. These all have figures in common and require a caller.

Ronde de Jambe - Literally "circle of the leg." May be performed on the ground or in the air, inwards or outwards, jumping or turning.

Rosin - A by-product of turpentine, used by dancers in powdered form on their shoes to prevent slipping.

Rulo - a curl.

Rumba - The Rumba was originally a marriage dance. Many of its movements and actions which seem to have an erotic meaning are merely depictions of simple farm tasks. The shoeing of the mare, the climbing of a rope, the courtship of the rooster and the hen, etc. It was done for amusement on the farms by the black population of Cuba. However, it became a popular ballroom dance and was introduced in the United States about 1933. It was the Americanized version for the Cuban Son and Danzon. It is in 4/4 time. The characteristic feature is to take each step without initially placing the weight on that step. Steps are made with a slightly bent knee which, when straightened, causes the hips to sway from side to side in what has come to be known as "Cuban Motion." See also History of Rumba.

Sacada - a displacement of the feet

Sacadas - displacements.

Salida - a basic walking pattern

Salsa - This is a favored name for a type of Latin music which, for the most part, has its roots in Cuban culture and is enhanced by jazz textures. The word, Salsa, means sauce denoting a "hot" flavor and is best distinguished from other Latin music styles by defining it as the New York sound developed by Puerto Rican musicians in New York. The dance structure is largely associated with mambo type patterns and has a particular feeling that is associated mainly with the Clave and the Montuno. See also History of Salsa.

Samba - This Brazilian dance was first introduced in 1917 but was finally adopted by Brazilian society in 1930 as a ballroom dance. It is sometimes referred to as a Samba, Carioca, a Baion or a Batucado. The difference is mostly in the tempo played since the steps in all three dance are very similar. The style is to bounce steadily and smoothly in 2/4 meter. The Samba was introduced in the United States in 1939 by the late Carmen Miranda.

Sarabande - One of the most ancient court dances of the 16th century. It was a stately affair during which couples paraded forwarded for four steps and then back of four steps in an endless variety of patterns according to the number of couples taking part.

Schottishe - A dance similar to the Polka. It is characterized by the clapping of hands after having taken three hopping steps. It is written in 4/4 time.

Set Dances - A set dance is performed to a specific tune which has remained set over time (at least during the 20th Century). Both males and females dance sets in hard shoes. Competitions begin at the level of "Open" because of the difficulty of the dances. Because the tune is always the same and the dancer knows the tune, adjudicators expect greater interpretation of the music. (In the jig, reel, and hornpipe competitions, the particular tune may vary depending on the musician.) The dances can be either in jig or hornpipe time. In one case, "Is the Big Man Within?" the time changes mid-tune. Regular jigs and hornpipes follow a particular structure of the number of measures per tune, but sets vary. Sets contain two parts, the first is the "lead around" (from 8 to 16 measures), the second is the "set" (12 to 16 measures). Some tunes are more than 250 years old, but most of the dances are of more recent origin, developed by dance masters. Also, some of the tunes have accompanying words.

Sevillanas - A Spanish folk dance consisting of seven "Coplas." Each Copla is a little dance in itself divided into three parts and consisting of twelve measures of music. Each part begins with an "Entrada" and ends with a "Pasada". It is performed by couples and furnished an excellent foundation for all forms of Spanish dance.

Shag - Not to be confused with the Carolina Shag which is a slow laid back type of Swing, became popular in the late 30's along with the Jitterbug and Lindy Hop. The dance was done to up tempo Swing or Foxtrot music and was instantly recognizable by the flicking of the feet backwards with a pronounced hopping action.

Shape (ballroom) - the combination of turn and sway to create a look or position.

Shimmy - Started as an African American dance of the late 1880's. It is a shaking of the shoulders and a whole body. First recreated by Gilda Gray.

Shim Sham - A lazy shuffling "soft shoe" step produced by the dancers at the Old Cotton Club in Harlem.

Single Jig - Dancers perform single or soft jigs in soft shoes.

Slip Jig (soft shoes) - is the most graceful of Irish dances and features light hopping, sliding, skipping and pointing. Only women dance the slip jig. Slip jigs are in 9/8 time

Son - A Cuban dance similar to the Bolero except that it is wilder in rhythmic accent and more violent in step pattern. It is the Son which first served as a basis for the Mambo which in turn became the triple Mambo, now known as Cha Cha. This slow rhythmic dance was originally in 2/4 time. It became Americanized and is usually played in 4/4 time.

Spanish Waltz - A smoothly danced waltz in open position using the arm movements of the classic Spanish dance.

Spot Dance - A dance in which there is little or no movement along a Line of Dance.

Spotting - A fixing of the eyes on one spot as long as possible during turns to avoid dizziness and to keep one's orientation.

Square Dance - An American folk dance with an even number of couples forming a square, two lines, or a circle. The dance is comprised of figures announced by a caller.

Step (ballroom) - one change of weight. Means by which the body is moved. Taking a step means committing all of your body weight onto the forward portion (the ball) of the foot.

Step Dancing - is distinctively Irish, combining artistry, grace, and physical ability. It has followed the Irish and Irish missionaries wherever they traveled including North America, Australia, New Zealand, Brittany France, Singapore, and Africa. Eight measures or bars of music are called a "step".

Suzy-Q - A figure in which the hands are clasped in front of the body at knee level with the body poised forward from the waist and the dancer moving sideways with the arms swinging in opposition. It was popularized by Vaudeville Entertainers and used in many types of routines eventually achieving most of its fame when it was incorporated into tap routines at the Cotton Club in Harlem in the 30's.

Swing - Popular blend of several African American dances, which include Lindy and Ragtime Jazz and Blues, as well as all the other dance music to accompanying dances of the past ninety years. Today it generally refers to the ballroom and night club version which is based on two slow and two quick counts or the slow and two quick counts of rhythm dances. See also History of Swing

Sword Dance - One of the three chief English dances of Medieval times. It was a ritualistic and ceremonial drama danced by men with swords and elaborate costumes while parading through the streets. It depicted the death of the old year, of Winter, and of scarcity. It heralded in the New Year, with hope of Spring and plenty. To symbolize the death of Winter, someone must always "die" and be brought to life again as a portrayal of death and resurrection.

Tack Annie - A step used in the Shim Sham Shimmy. Supposedly, the name springs from an incident in Harlem when a woman named Annie was being arrested by the police. As she was resisting, the children watching cried out, "They're 'tackin' Annie!" The side to side movement of the woman's struggle was mimicked by tap dancers in the step, and so the step got its name.

Tango - A social dance in 2/4 time, which after originating in Spain, developed in Argentina, where it was influenced by black dance style and rhythm. See also History of Tango and Argentine Tango History.

Tango - Continental/English There are essentially three types of Tango - Argentine, American and International Style. Argentine Tango: (arrabalero) A dance created by the Gauchos in Buenos Aires. It was actually an attempt on their part to imitate the Spanish dance except that they danced it in a closed ballroom position. The Tango caused a sensation and was soon to be seen the world over in a more subdued version. American Tango: Unlike the Argentine Tango, in which the dancer interprets the music spontaneously without any predetermined slows or quicks, the American Tango features a structure which is correlated to the musical phrasing. The dance is executed both in closed position and in various types of extravagant dance relationships which incorporate a particular freedom of expression that is not present in the International style. International Tango: This is a highly disciplined and distinctively structured form of the Tango which is accepted worldwide as the format for dancesport events. The dancers remain in traditional closed position throughout and expresses both legato and staccato aspects of the type of music appropriate to this style. See International Tango Syllabus

Evolution of Tango - The history of the Tango can be traced surprisingly enough to a country dance of 17th Century England. The English country dance became the CONTREDANSE in France, and this in turn was called the CONTRADANZA in Spain or later simply DANZA. When imported by the Spaniards into Cuba, it became the DANZA HABANERA. During the Spanish American War, a popular dance called the Habanera del Cafe appeared which was the prototype of the Tango.

Tarantella - Italian folk dance. Sometimes a single dancer gets up and spins alone until a partner joins in. Sometimes several couples stand up together, like a country dance set, although pairs dance individually. Girls use tambourines.

Tights (ballet) - A close-fitting garment covering the dancer's body from waist to feet, worn both in class and on the stage.

Timing - dancing on time with the music.

Tour en l'air - A turn in the air, executed as the dancer jumps with the body held vertically straight. Males perform single, double or triple tours.

Trenchmores - (Irish dance) a big free form country dance.

Truckin - An African American form of shuffling along while shaking the index finger of the fight hand above the head. Popular in 1937.

Turkey Trot - a dance done to fast ragtime music popular from 1900 to 1910 such as Scott Joplin's Maple Leaf Rag, etc. The basic step consisted of four hopping steps sideways first on one leg, then the other. It achieved popularity chiefly as a result of its being denounced by the Vatican. The dance was embellished with scissor-like flicks of the feet and fast trotting actions with abrupt stops.

Twist - This dance was written by an African American musician in Georgia in 1958. He and his band members made up some twisting movements for the musicians to do while playing the music. Then in 1960, Chubby Checker made his first twist record, and made the Twist famous in Philadelphia. Twist came to New York via Philadelphia and New Jersey and then spread throughout most countries.

Two Step - a simple dance, more or less double quick march with a skip in each step done as rapidly as a couple can go.

Variation - Any solo performance in a ballet.

Viennese Waltz - With such wonderful composers as Johann Strauss and others, the Waltz became more and more refined. The steps became smaller with the turns smoother and more compact. Adding the graceful lilt of the flowing skirts we have today's Viennese Waltz. See International Viennese Waltz syllabus.

Virginia Reel - One of the more popular of the Colonial Barn Dances.

Volte - The Volte was like the Landler, a forerunner of the Waltz. It was brought to the French court by Catherine de Medici. The man turns his partner around several times and then helps her to take a high spring into the air.
2006-08-10 16:30:27 UTC
Not sure if this is what you're referring to, but "sur le cou-de pied" is the ballet term (pronounced sue-da-coo-pee-a, ending with a long A sound) for when the working foot is placed on the inside of the ankle so that the heel is more forward than the toe. I apologize for not being able to describe it well online, but if you go to and look for the term "cou-de pied position" in the left hand column, you will find a picture, along with a better description.
2016-03-17 01:08:32 UTC
Well there are variation classes like at School of American Ballet for example, they teach you a new variation of a dance either once a week or every class, it depends on the teacher. Hope this helps!
2017-03-03 18:14:38 UTC
Of all first, I like the skirt!!! People notify me I've nice lower limbs but I still don't wear shorts
2017-01-30 12:54:09 UTC
I really like long skirts. My bf likes the brief ones. So my wardrobe is crammed w/ 1/2 and 1/2.

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